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3 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Small Business Marketing Automation Software

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If you’re a small business owner who is considering turning to marketing automation software to be more efficient, congratulations. You’re about to take a step that can potentially help grow your business. It can help manage customer leads and improve communication with your prospects that ultimately result in revenue boosts. As you make decisions about […]

How Content Marketing Automation is Helping Small Business Grow Faster

Marketing Automation Small Businesses Zenpost Featured

Sure. Marketing automation is a somewhat lengthy name. It can sound like it calls for a complicated process that requires a ton of tech knowledge and a big budget to get right. That’s the thing about assumptions. Sometimes they’re wrong. With marketing automation, things are actually the opposite of what they appear to be. Marketing […]

What is Marketing Automation and Why is it Important for My Business?

What Is Marketing Automation Zenpost Featured

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Key Benefits of Using a Blog Writing Service to Grow Your Company Blog

Blog Writing Service Benefits Zenpost Featured

As blog writing becomes a major digital marketing component for companies, inevitably someone will question whether it should be done in-house, or outsourced. Engaging a blog writing service to grow a company blog can provide a multitude of benefits and advantages – some easily overlooked by digital marketing managers. Among them: 1. Free Time and […]

Connecting The Dots: How Content Marketing Helps Increase Sales

Content Marketing Helps Increase Sales Zenpost Featured

It’s not uncommon today for a business operator to ask, “How does content marketing increase sales?” Terms like digital marketing, content marketing and, to the point, Google have infiltrated modern marketing discussions. Yet, does everyone truly understand it? Buzz phrases like content marketing or inbound marketing sound nice in a room full of marketers, but […]

9 Ways Guest Blogging Adds Value to Your Business, Brand, and Website


Guest blogging is an indirect promotional tactic that offers a variety of benefits to anyone who is willing to invest the time to write high-quality content for authoritative blogs. Notice I said high-quality content. The power of guest blogging comes from your ability to provide useful, meaningful content to the right audiences – high-quality content. […]

Why is Digital Marketing Automation Important in 2019?


Digital marketing automation involves using software to make marketing more efficient and successful. Today, technology can automate many repetitive and time-consuming tasks that used to be performed manually. For marketers, software not only saves time but it also increases productivity and reduces errors. While automation requires a monetary investment in software and a time investment […]

How Long Does it Take to Write a Blog Post

Write A Blog Post Zenpost Featured

While a quick look online can tell you how many blog posts you should have, how often you should be publishing and how to write a compelling blog post, finding helpful information on how long it takes to write high-quality blog content is another matter altogther. Well, I’m going to answer that question today and, […]

Guide to Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: Here’s What Really Matters

Google Ranking Zenpost Featured

There are two schools of thought when it comes to Google’s search results ranking factors: 1) there are 200 ranking factors, and 2) there are not 200 ranking factors. Where did that magic number of 200 come from? Back in 2009, Google’s Matt Cutts publicly mentioned that Google uses 200 variables to rank search results, […]

Author Authority Matters in Blogging: Here’s Why and What to Do


Did you know that the reputation of your blog posts’ authors — that is, author authority — affects not just how your audience perceives your brand but also how much traffic your site gets from Google? Think about what the word “authority” means. Here’s what the Oxford English Dictionary says: A person with extensive or […]

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